Plastic Free Cotgrave

Reducing single-use plastics


Zero Waste


How to Do Zero Waste! Here is a link to our YouTube channel


Zero Waste – what is it and how do I do it?


Zero Waste isn’t about recycling! It’s about cutting out expensive waste before it enters your home. It’s about saying ‘No’ and not forking out for it in the first place!


Hints and tips

  • Get to know one of our local zero waste shops (in no particular order)
  • Shop carefully - think about the packaging you are being invited to buy. You will pay for this along with your bananas, new T-shirt or bunch of flowers! Is there another way to do this?
  • Learn about the ‘Circular Economy’. The Ellen Macarthur Foundation is a good place to start.
  • Contact those sellers who send you unwanted promotional literature that you have to deal with - ask to be removed from their lists.
  • Shift onto an email list if you really want to, otherwise decline their invitations to spend more money/buy more stuff!

Further reading: Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson


There is information about plastic recycling in Cotgrave here.
