Plastic Free Cotgrave

Reducing single-use plastics


Reduce single-use plastics in your life


Around your home

Although some plastics are useful, especially in medical settings and when transporting bulk liquids, many people are keen to reduce the plastics in their homes and in their daily lives. Here are some easy swaps:

  • Use a refillable drinks bottle
  • Change to a ‘keep cup’ or re-usable cup, if you buy drinks ‘on the go’*
  • Get into the habit of taking re-usable cutlery and napkins out with you
  • Take a shopping bag
  • Bathroom swaps, such as a safety razor, bamboo toothbrush, tablets of soap/shampoo, or refillable bottles
  • Kitchen swaps, such as using old textiles (tee shirts etc) for mopping up, floor cleaning etc
  • Make your own simple cleaning materials. Bicarbonate of Soda and white vinegar cover most jobs
  • Consider using re-usable nappies – at least some of the time.

*some cafes became nervous about these during lockdown, although both Costa and Starbucks have now swapped back. Encourage other cafes to do likewise - this video explains how to reassure your regular cafe.

Paper towel



